What is stress?
If the demands on us outweigh our resources to cope with them, we can start to feel overwhelmed.
If this sounds like you, you're not alone. It's really normal to go through periods in your life where stress takes over. How we manage stress and look after our mental health can make a huge difference to how we feel. Find out below what the common symptoms and causes of stress are.
For some people, these things would only cause a small amount of stress which is manageable. However, sometimes they can lead to you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
Too much stress can affect our emotions and negatively impact the way we live our lives. Experiencing these feelings over the long-term can lead to exhaustion, or "burnout".
Causes of stress
There are many life events which can lead to you feeling stressed, including:
- Money worries
- Losing your job
- Increasing work demands
- Illness in the family
- Relationship difficulties
- Moving house
Symptoms of stress
How can Talking Therapies help with stress?
If you are worried about your symptoms of stress, talking therapies can help. We can help you to make sense of your stress. Cognitive behavioural therapy or guided self-help may be able to help you manage your stress and feel better.